QSR Related Terminal Interfacelinks *(Do not use with REST API Mode)

Check this page for any additional relevant QSR interfacelinks/wiki/spaces/IS/pages/63359558/wiki/spaces/IS/pages/63359558

functions to skip a ping check before sending any communications. The check was happening too frequently from too many terminals for large sites. iIt gives false negatives because the server is overwhelmed by checks. 

This interface link is required of more than 4 terminals (subjective experience, the number is not known)are in use. with 1 QSR server

If the ping fails, the orders will not be sent at all. Used when server or devices are wireless to keep com alive. USE IT IF ITS NOT WORKING.

/wiki/spaces/IS/pages/63359558 (does not work with RestAPI mode)

"send new tabletransID" the filed is the same as the interfacelink ""QSR_COURSE_INTERVAL". I see from your qsr interfacelink doc that you are already using this interfacelink. remove the interfacelink and set the "send new tabletransID" to "1" would do the same thing


Our course modifier for the items from the screen config button.

<>QSR_RETRY_TIMES:HEADER=2 (does not work with RestAPI mode)

Available with patch or >=1772

Cases have been reported where we send a new header to the QSR but it for some reason does not make it to the server. This interface link will send the header X number of times in quick succession in the hopes of ensuring the info gets to the QSR server.

<>QSR_SEND_TRANSACTION_NOTES_A (does not work with RestAPI mode)

Sends Transaction Notes A as a menu item.